Over 50 million account info leaked in Facebook Cyber Attack
Facebook shared a blog post today which says that it’s “View As” feature had the potential to allow hackers to take over Facebook accounts. And the flaw could have compromised information of more than 50 million accounts info to hackers. The social media giant has however declared that the discovered flaw was fixed and its […]
Hackers are extensively using Python language in their cyber attack tools
Imperva, a Cybersecurity software and services provider came to a recent conclusion that the world’s most popularly used programming language ‘Python’ is being widely used by hackers in their cyber attack tools, The Redwood City-based company came to the above-said conclusion after finding more than 20% of GitHub Repositories filled with tools to launch cyber […]
Tesco Cyber Attack faces £ 30 million fine from UK Financial Watchdog
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), well known as UK’s Financial Watchdog is all set to impose a £ 30 million fine on Tesco for Cyber Attack. Readers of Cybersecurity Insiders have to notify a fact over here that Tesco Bank became a victim of Cyber Attack in November 2016 and reimbursed £ 2.5 million as […]
Feel free to launch Cyber Attacks
US President Donald Trump is reported to have authorized the cyber warriors working for his country to conduct cyber attacks on adversaries in a retaliation bid. Pronouncing the same the White House issued classified orders on Thursday last week, wiping away all previous restrictions put forward during Obama administration. In today’s age, we need to […]
Cyber Attack news for the day
1.) Edinburgh University online servers witnessed a disruption yesterday and sources report that the websites under the University’s online domain were crippled by a cyber attack during the freshers week. Jisc, the ISP of the said educational institution confirmed that there was indeed an attack on the organization’s domain. But failed to disclose any details […]
Wegmans sues Invermar for Cyber Attack
Wegmans Food Markets Inc. an American Supermarket Chain headquartered in New York has filed a lawsuit against Chilean Seafood Supplier, Invermar, for allowing hackers to pocket its payments through a cybersecurity flaw. Sources say that the Food retailer has sued the seafood supplier for $900,000 and is interested in adding more to the lawsuit when […]
US to sue North Korea for Wannacry and Sony Cyber Attacks
United States Department of Justice has decided to indict a North Korean with dual- charges of spreading WannaCry Ransomware attack around the world and cyber attacking the database of Sony Corp in 2014. The plan of US behind this accuse is to name & shame the alleged perpetrators so that countries like Russia, China and […]
What happens when ransomware attack turns into a data breach
For those who are misinterpreting the headline as an activity where hackers leaked data on the internet for not getting the demanded sum as a ransom, here’s a briefing. Health Management Concepts (HMC), an online resource which educates, empowers and advocates individuals in improving their health and well being is reported to have become a […]
Canadian town Midland hit by Ransomware Attack
The Town of Midland, located in Ontario, Canada is reported to have been hit by a ransomware attack. According to a press release issued by the town officials the incident is said to have taken place on early hours of Saturday i.e. Sept 1st, 2018 when hackers succeeded in accessing the network to infect the […]