
China new data security law twists arms of Tech giants

China has established a new set of guidelines for tech companies that are dealing with data for business purposes. But the laws are applicable more to the native companies operating in the Republic of China than those operating on foreign shores. The new Data Security law specifically hits companies that mishandle core state data and […]

Chinese Cyber Threat to Indian Defense and Telecom Sector

Recorded Future that offers Enterprise Security Intelligence to American companies has revealed that there has been a persistent cyber threat to Indian Defense and Telecom sector from Chinese Military Intelligence since 2014. This news was disclosed to the world in a media update released by Insikt Group, the business unit of Recorded Future. And the […]

Chinese Military launches Cyber Attacks on Japanese Research firms

NHK, a Japan-based news resource, has published that a cyber attack launched by a hacking group linked to Chinese military targeted nearly 200 research firms and institutions from Japan. The report includes the fact that China was taking servers on rent in Japan in the name of IT development and was indulging in disruption tactics […]

Some newly found details about Chinese Hacking Group APT41  

All these days we only knew that APT41 was a Chinese state sponsored hacking firm that was involved in over 100 cyber-attacks that also involves ransomware attacks. Recently, Cybersecurity firm Internet 2.0 divulged some extra details about the APT41 that is suspected to have involved in the Microsoft Exchange Server hack of 2021. It is […]

Cyber Attack on Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China

The Democratic parties operating across the world that formed the Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) to curb Beijing’s cyber attack campaigns on other nations has reportedly suffered a cyber attack. Sources say that the attack was of DDoS genre where fake web traffic is targeted at servers hosting public domains. Luke de Pulford, the […]

Tesla cars to be banned because of data privacy

Tesla Chief Elon Musk has cleared the air that if his company cars are being used for spying in china or anywhere else, then he would rather shut down the business than developing it. Speaking through a video link at the China Development Forum, the multi billionaire technologists reacted to the news that China has […]

Now China launches a cyber attack on Indian Maritime Ports

After infiltrating at least 10 computer networks related to Indian Power Grid Operations, the Chinese hacking group named RedEcho has reportedly targeted two maritime ports says a research carried out by Recorded Future- a Massachusetts based Cybersecurity and threat intelligence gathering firm. The highlight of the report is that the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team […]

China Cyber Attack on Indian Power Plant

As per a post published in The New York Times, China has targeted an Indian power plant last year that resulted in a big disruption for many in the business city of Mumbai, India. The post claims that the incident took place in 2020 and was a retaliation attack launched by China because of the […]

China has stolen 80% of data belonging to US Adults

In one of the astonishing revelations made in the 60 minutes report aired on an American Television channel CBS, china seems to have stolen data of almost 80% of US Adults. No wait, there is more! Recently, china based BGI Group has approached 6 of the different states with a proposal to construct R&D labs […]

WhatsApp Good Morning messages filled with Chinese Phishing Cyber Attacks

From the year 2018 there has been a WhatsApp message doing rounds on an occasional note that those who send “Good Morning” and “Good Evening” photos, and GIFs downloaded from internet might become a victim of a cyber fraud perpetuated by Chinese hackers. An international news resource from Shanghai confirmed the report and posted it […]

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