Cyber Attack
Cyber Attack was not the cause of the IT meltdown in UK Courts
Last Week, a few news resources went on air to report that an IT meltdown caused in UK courts as a result of a cyber attack launched by one of the adversaries of the nation. But the Ministry of Justice released a press statement today saying that the meltdown was not caused by any cyber […]
Pew survey says 8 out of 10 in the US are afraid of Cyber Attacks
A survey conducted by the American research firm PEW says that 8 in every 10 people in the United States live in a fear of cyber attacks. And the concerns grew from the year 2017 when the populace of united states learned that Russian intelligence succeeded in influencing the US 2016 polls downing the grade […]
British Cyber Attack disrupts entire telecom services in Liberia
A British hacker named Daniel Kaye is said to have executed a cyber attack on the entire telecommunication system in Liberia, a town in South Africa. This incident which happened in 2015 got highlighted last week when a South African phone company named Lonestar won a lawsuit against the perpetrator in the UK sending him […]
Simulated Cyber Attack on UK Bike Manufacturer by Hiscox
A simulated cyber attack was launched on UK Bike Manufacturer Brompton Bicycle by Bermuda based insurance company Hiscox. The reason- just to make the world and the SMBs realize how it feels on being attacked and the risks involved. The insurance company had to make a lot of efforts to conduct this activity and so […]
Mondelez files $100m claim from Zurich Insurance for NotPetya Cyber Attack
Mondelez, the American Food, Confectionary, and Beverage Company has threatened Switzerland based Zurich Insurance with a lawsuit to pay the $100m penalty for refusing its claim for the damage caused by the NotPetya Cyber Attack. As insurance companies are tightening the rules related to the liability claims, this lawsuit will stand tall as a first […]
20 year old held for Cyber Attack on German politicians
A 20-year old man arrested on Sunday has admitted to the police that he was the person who launched cyber attacks on noted politicians and celebrities of Germany and added that he was in no way connected to any hacking group or state actor or was being funded by any government intelligence agency. Readers of […]
Marriott hotel discloses official Cyber Attack figures
Marriott hotel has finally made an official disclosure of what was stolen from the reservation system database of its business subsidiary Starwood Hotels last year. An official statement from the company says that over 383 million customer records were siphoned by the hackers in the said cyber incident. And the stolen info includes 25.55 million […]
Cyber Attack on all Top Politicians of Germany
In what appears to be one of the worst data breaches in the history of Germany, many German politicians, Journalist, and celebrities were targeted by a cyber attack early this week- which the German intelligence claims to be the act of its adversaries. The leaked data includes mobile numbers, email addresses, physical address and bills […]
Cyber Attack news for the day
1.) Ransomware attack on Luas website of Ireland is said to have impacted over 3,226 people who signed up for the company’s newsletter. The company says that no financial info of the impacted customers was compromised in the incident, but admitted that the attack could have impacted other details such as names, email ids, and […]
DPI Sensors – Get the Edge in Threat Hunting
As cyber attacks become increasingly sophisticated, traditional solutions based on known signatures often fall short allowing new malware and zero day attacks to penetrate networks without being identified. A virus, for example, might enter a system as an email attachment. Once it becomes active, it will begin system reconnaissance, seeking access to resources and privileges, […]