Cyber threat
FireEye identifies APT41 as the latest Chinese Cyber Threat
FireEye, a Milpitas based Cybersecurity Company has identified APT41 as the latest Chinese cyber threat which has been specifically targeting firms related to healthcare, gaming, high tech and media industries from the past few months. Though the said hacking group is reportedly active from the past 7 years, it has changed its attack parameters on […]
US DHS sends Cyber Threat alert to Private aircraft owners including Air Force One
United States Department of Homeland Security shortly termed as DHS has issued a nationwide warning to those who own private air crafts and small jets. The DHS states that these small aircraft can easily be hacked by threat actors who get physical access by any chance. Security experts from DHS say that aircrafts can be […]
Russia, Iran, North Korea target Microsoft customers with Cyber Attacks
Microsoft has released an official statement yesterday saying that it has notified more than 10,000 of its customers that they were being targeted by cyberattacks from hackers hailing from Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Tom Burt, the Corporate Vice President of Microsoft has confirmed the news in a statement released yesterday and said that 85% […]
Malware Cyber Threat to UK Businesses
A recent academic study made on the dark web by Micheal McGuire- a senior professor in criminology at Surrey University has revealed that businesses are vulnerable to malware attacks specifically targeted at them by hackers. The darknet profits report which was commissioned by virtualization-based security firm Bromium says that firms based in the UK and […]
US Intelligence feels that China and Russia are the biggest cyber threats to the US
US Intelligence has told US Senators on Tuesday that countries like China and Russia were the biggest cyber threats to their country than they have been in decades. Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence said that the change in US policies on security and trade under trump administration are influencing the American allies in […]
How to avoid cyber threats from cloud security misconfigurations
Since last year there has N number of reports of user data being leaked from cloud platforms. For instance, in July last year, personal data of more than 198 million US voters was exposed all because of an S3 misconfiguration owned by data company Deep Root Analytics. If we dig deep into the history, many […]
Russian Cyber Threat forces the UK to sign digital security Pact
Russian Cyber Threat has forced the United Kingdom to sign world’s largest digital security pact worth £15 million. The digital agreement is expected to include leaders from 53 nations to sign the world’s largest cyber declaration which assures to join forces to combat criminals and hostile actors engaged in cyber warfare. As the cyber threat […]
Role of Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysts in an Organization
Threat intelligence is evidence-based information, including context, mechanisms, indicators of compromise, implications and actionable advice, about existing or emerging hazards to assets. Threat intelligence allows IT professionals to make decisions and take action accordingly. Historically, intelligence tactics, techniques, and procedures as well as various types of intelligence operations existed long before cyberspace was conceived. Intelligence […]
Companies in China witness a surge in cyber attacks
Firms operating in China and Hong Kong(HK) have witnessed a surge in cyber attacks in the past couple of years. This was confirmed by a PWC survey which added that cyber attacks grew 969 percent between 2014 and 2016. The surge in cyber attacks was witnessed due to a widely adopted trend where innovation has […]