
List of Countries which are most vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

As soon as Wikileaks revealed to the world that it has valid documents to prove that US law enforcement agency CIA has the potential to hack any Smart Phone, Smart TV or devices related to Internet of Things existing on this globe, it surprised the entire world, along with those connected to the cyber security […]

Cyber Attack on Abta Travel Website affects 43000 users

A Cyber Attack on Abta Travel website is said to have exposed personal details of more than 43,000 individuals. The good news is that no bank details were leaked in this cyber heist. And the bad news is that details such as names, addresses, and phone numbers could have been compromised giving criminals a gateway […]

Cyber Attacks on Twitter Accounts

Thousands of Twitter accounts were hacked by cyber crooks on Wednesday who posted messages praising Turks and disgraced Dutch with Nazi names. As per our sources, the attack was launched through a popular data tracking service and contained abusive messages along with Swastika symbol. A video containing clips of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was […]

Australian immigration offices are extremely vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

The Australian National Audit Office (NAO) has recently released the latest report on their government’s cyber security potential and concluded that the immigration department and the tax office department of Australia are extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks. The NAO has claimed that the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australian Taxation Office have […]

Cyber Attacks on fitness trackers, smartphones, and voice-activated gadgets

All those who are using Fitness trackers, smartphones and voice-activated gadgets such as Amazon Echo, here’s some bad news for you. The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) and the National Crime Agency (NCA) of UK have generated a report which states that hackers are targeting people using the above said sophisticated gadgets to hold people […]

Now Satellites face Cyber Attack threats!

Companies supplying Satellite services and equipment have been put on a high alert of a possible cyber attack by individual hackers or powerful nation states. The alert was issued by a team of veterans at the Satellite 2017 Conference, held in Washington. Vinit Duggal, Intelsat Director and Chief Information Security Officer who participated at the […]

Insurance companies are now covering Ransomware Cyber Attacks

Insurance companies are now coming forward to cover ransomware related cyber attacks. And the credit goes fully to broad thinking of the insurance providers who now offering services as per demand. We all know that from past couple of years, ransomware attacks have increased on public and private companies- all thanks to the era of […]

Reports confirm that US Power Grid is not prepared for Cyber Attacks

Security Researchers at the US Power Grid have confirmed media reports that the government’s critical infrastructure is not at all prepared to withstand cyber attacks. Known as the largest interconnected machine, the US electricity Grid is having more than 7,000 power plants, 55k substations, 160,000 miles of high voltage transmission lines and millions of miles […]

UK launches Cyber Attacks stimulation Program

The United Kingdom has launched a cyber attacks stimulation program to unearth fresh talent who could thwart cyber attacks on companies related to connected cars. The program was hosted by Protection Group International (PGI) and saw more than 60 top amateur cyber practitioners from over 30 countries participating in the event. The program which was […]

Cyber Attacks result in £8 billion loss to consumers of UK Financial Services

A recent study confirmed that cyber attacks have caused £8 billion loss to consumers of UK Financial Services in 2016. ThreatMetrix, a security watchdog that monitors 20 billion online transactions per year was the one which prepared the report and predicted that the consequences may deteriorate further in this year. ThreatMetrix says that the spike […]

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