

This post was originally published here by (ISC)² Management. The future of cybersecurity was the subject of lively discussion during a session on blockchain’s potential to revolutionize how data is protected. The session was part of the 2018 (ISC)2 Security Congress, taking place this week in New Orleans. The Blockchain session’s presenters, Nitin Uttreja and Ashish Dwivedi, […]

CloudPassage a Cybersecurity Distinguished Vendor

This post was originally published here by jeff baumgarten. This has been the year of cybersecurity, or one of data breaches. Depending on where you stand. In any case, it’s been a busy year for the cybersecurity industry and for companies trying to lock down their cloud security strategies. With digital transformation in the air, more […]

Why CMOs Should Care About Cybersecurity

This post was originally published here by jeff baumgarten. Everyone from Deloitte to Ad Age to Forbes and many more are talking about why CMOs should care about cybersecurity and become more involved in the overall strategy. That makes sense as security moves beyond the purview of IT and becomes more of a board-level issue. Having seen cybersecurity  from publicly-traded company and […]


This post was originally published here by (ISC)² Management. It may seem obvious: A strong commitment to cybersecurity from an organization’s top management equals better protection. The cybersecurity staff have more confidence and focus on the right things – fighting threats as opposed to worrying about who will leave next for greener pastures. These were […]

Considering a merger then keep your firm free from Cyber Threats

Security breaches are becoming common these days. But if you are planning for a merger, then you better keep your company away from such menace. Want to know why? In general, the process of combining two companies creates vulnerability because when the IT footprint increases some security lapses do creep in and when they are […]

Top 5 Security events of 2018

The first half of 2018 was hit with some notable security events just days into the new year. And, unfortunately, these vulnerabilities are just getting started and are expected to get stronger and pose an even bigger threat. Here are the top five threats that we’ve seen in the first half of 2018: 1.       Meltdown […]


This post was originally published here by (ISC)². As organizations struggle to fill cybersecurity vacancies, they aren’t finding many candidates among millennial jobseekers. A new study shows millennials are only marginally interested in cybersecurity careers, with 9 percent showing any interest at all. The finding is troubling, considering millennials have become the largest percentage of the overall workforce. This […]

The Long Life of Zero Day and Its Implication

A zero day is an attack that exploits a previously unknown security vulnerability. The creation and distribution of zero days by cybercriminals is on the rise with 45 new ones already discovered in Q1 2018. According to a recent report from RAND Corporation called Zero Days, Thousands of Nights: The Life and Times of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Their Exploits, […]

The Differences Between DLP, IAM, SIEM, and Varonis Solutions

You can’t always do it all alone and sometimes you need help from your friends. It’s good life advice, and as it turns out, good advice for a security solution. A multi-pronged security program that uses a mix of technologies and approaches is the best way to reduce risk and to protect your organization’s most […]

More women needed in Cybersecurity field

It’s evident that Cybersecurity field seems to be ever-evolving. But as usual, the shortage of women in the said professional sphere is clearly evident, as only 11% of Cybersecurity jobs have been occupied by the said gender across the globe. However, the good news is that companies like Palo Alto Networks and Symantec Corp are […]

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