
Seven years security updates to mobile users in Germany

German government is urging mobile manufactures to offer security updates for devices up to seven years or at least 6 years so that it could increase the life of usage of phones to over 5 years. Already a proposal in this regard has been passed on to the European Union that also makes it mandatory […]

Election hack is possible, says Germany

Germany is expecting a cyber attack on the election event that is likely to be held in September this year and says that a foreign nation could intend to do so for reasons. “After witnessing a slew of phishing attacks on the digital accounts of German MPs and local politicians, there is a high probability […]

Germany declares country’s first Cyber Catastrophe

German has declared the country’s first cyber catastrophe yesterday by stating that a cyber attack hit almost all the computer systems in the municipality of Anhalt Bitterfeld in the state of Saxony-Anhalt and disrupted completely. Authorities are unsure when the offices will reopen to the public and expect to resolve the issue within next 15 […]

Cyber Attacks on Vaccination centers of Germany

When the entire world is busy with a vaccination drive to eradicate COVID-19 from their region and the whole globe, Germany’s Angela Merkel warned that the vaccinations centers are vulnerable to sophisticated cyber attacks that could bring the vaccination drive to a major halt. In an update sent to Bloomberg by the Interior Ministry of […]

Ransomware Attack on Whirlpool and the Funke Media Group of Germany

Whirlpool Corporation has reportedly become a victim to Nefilim Ransomware, thus putting an end to the year 2020 rather unpleasantly. Highly placed sources say that the attack might have been launched in the first week of November and it came to light on the Boxing Day after Christmas 2020. Why the Michigan based electronics giant […]

Merkel confirms Russian Cyber Attack on German Parliament

Angela Merkel, the Politician and Chancellor of Germany have expressed pain on knowing Russia has been launching cyberattacks on her country to steal 16 gigabytes of documents which includes one from her own parliament office and her personal email account. Speaking to the lawmakers on May 13th, 2020, the 65-year old said that she has […]

Ransomware attack on Telangana and Andhra Pradesh power utilities

1.) A ransomware attack on the websites of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh power utilities is said to have forced the related officials to pull their respective websites offline. The restoration of the data is going on full swing and most of the systems might get restored by the day end of Friday. News is out […]

Facebook rejects a new data security policy of Germany

Germany on Thursday announced that it will impose new restrictions on ways Facebook collects data from users prevailing in the region. But within few hours of this announcement, the world leading social media giant said that it is going to reject the data protection policy of Germany and will appeal to the court by the […]

Cyber Attack on all Top Politicians of Germany

In what appears to be one of the worst data breaches in the history of Germany, many German politicians, Journalist, and celebrities were targeted by a cyber attack early this week- which the German intelligence claims to be the act of its adversaries. The leaked data includes mobile numbers, email addresses, physical address and bills […]

Kaspersky survey confirms 31 percent cyber attacks lead to job losses

A survey conducted by Kaspersky in association with B2B International says that 31% of last year’s data breaches have led to job losses. And out of those who lost jobs, 29% of them belonging to SMEs and 29% of them belonging to large companies were not related to the IT field. All these days, many […]

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