
UK offers £500,000 to boost Cyber Security of Healthcare Sector

Britain has finally saved the healthcare sector from cyber attacks by pledging £500,000. The funding will help those playing a key role in containing the COVID 19 pandemic spread to remain resilient.  Therefore, the funding can be utilized by medical suppliers and primary care providers to cover all their consultancy and certification costs associated with […]

Oxford Statement for protecting healthcare from Cyber Attacks

An Oxford Statement was signed by a team of 120 International Lawyers, in a bid to protect firms serving in the healthcare sector from Cyber Attacks. Formally speaking, it was a formal pronouncement to combat cyber threats on the computer systems serving in the healthcare sector as the Corona Virus pandemic was spreading at an […]

Phishing Threats Increase with COVID 19 Outbreak

The recent COVID 19 pandemic has changed the way that businesses are operating around the entire country. Some businesses are forced to temporarily shut down, while others are trying to adjust to the changes of working remote and innovating new and unique ways to operate their business. Every business has been affected by this pandemic outbreak, […]


This post was originally published by (ISC)² Management. U.S. healthcare institutions are under constant attack from cybercriminals, and unless hospitals take concrete steps to protect themselves, the situation won’t get any better. In 2019, the healthcare industry was the number one target for cyber attackers, with the cost of breaches totaling $4 billion, according to […]

The Healthcare Breach Report: Breaches on the Upsurge

This post was originally published by Juan Lugo. The vast majority of healthcare organizations utilize and store protected health information (PHI), which is composed of patients’ sensitive information. HIPAA, the privacy rule that classifies PHI, describes protected health information as medical history, Social Security numbers, personal financial data, and more.  Read more here:  

Bitglass Security Spotlight: Healthcare Burglary Results in Data Breach Affecting Over 654,000 Members

This post was originally published by Juan Lugo. As cloud adoption continues to increase exponentially across all industries, data breaches have been, by large, the result of hacking and IT incidents. However, there are still a few data breaches each year that arise from loss or theft, and that is exactly what occurred to medical transportation vendor, GridWorks. […]

More than 67 percent of healthcare organizations in the UK hit by a cyberattack

A survey conducted by a data security provider named Clearswift in the UK suggests that more than 67% of healthcare organizations were hit by a cyberattack last year most of which includes malware attacks, virus infection propagation through USB sticks and employees sharing data with unauthorized resources. Clearswift’s security survey suggests that 37% of respondents […]


This post was originally published by (ISC)² Management. Hospitals are set up to fight infections, but not necessarily the kind that has been plaguing healthcare institutions lately – malware. A new report estimates that cyber threats against healthcare targets increased 60% since January, surpassing the total number of threats identified in all of 2018. Read […]


This post was originally published by (ISC)² Management. Hospitals are set up to fight infections, but not necessarily the kind that has been plaguing healthcare institutions lately – malware. A new report estimates that cyber threats against healthcare targets increased 60% since January, surpassing the total number of threats identified in all of 2018. Read […]

Ransomware now leads to Heart Attacks

A recent study made by a team of independent security researchers has determined that ransomware infections spread to hospital networks are leading to increased death rates among patients with heart issues. The study also claims that the malware attacks have also lead to heart attacks among patients due to a digital delay in remediation. After […]

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