Trending Cyber Attack news of UK
1.) NHS of Cumbria located in North West England has disclosed recently that it has been targeted by more than 150 cyber attacks in the last 5 years. A report from BBC has confirmed the news that the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust, which runs hospitals in Barrow, Kendal, Morecambe, and Lancaster was […]
Physical Cyber Attack makes 8 European Banks bleed Millions
A study conducted by Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab has discovered that at least 8 European banks have fallen prey to a cyber attack launched physically by hackers to siphon tens of millions of pounds. Kaspersky Researchers say that the attack was launched through physical devices such as Netbooks, Raspberry Pi devices and Bash Bunnies planted […]
Kaspersky survey confirms 31 percent cyber attacks lead to job losses
A survey conducted by Kaspersky in association with B2B International says that 31% of last year’s data breaches have led to job losses. And out of those who lost jobs, 29% of them belonging to SMEs and 29% of them belonging to large companies were not related to the IT field. All these days, many […]
Cyber Stress plagues the populace of America and Canada
A Survey report compiled by Kaspersky Lab says that 81 Percent of the American and Canadian populace is being plagued by Cyber Stress. Means their mind is experiencing fatigue as soon as they hear news of data breaches. To quantify their findings on the effect of online threat on people’s minds, Kaspersky Lab studied the […]
Kaspersky appeals to US Government on banning its Security Software
US Government imposed a ban on the usage of Kaspersky Security Software in all government departments from early August this year. Britain decided to follow the decision of US President Donald Trump by announcing the same order to be implemented across all government organizations operating across the UK in October this year. Cybersecurity Insiders has […]
Kaspersky discovers 90 million malicious apps this year triggering Cyber Threat concerns!
Kaspersky Lab has issued a warning that the scale and complexity of global cyber attacks are growing at an exponential rate triggering major concerns for the evolution of IoT. The company came to the said conclusion after it found that more than 90 million malicious apps were infected in this year in which half of […]
Kaspersky identifies new malware which steals money from Mobile Phones
Kaspersky has issued a mobile security alert against a new malware which steals money from mobile phones. Researchers from the cyber security firm have identified a new malware called Xafecopy Trojan which steals money through victim’s mobile phone. Already more than 40% of mobile users in Asia, especially from India have become victim to this […]
Protect your businesses with these free anti- ransomware tools
Worried about the ongoing concerns related to Wannacry ransomware virus? And are you thinking to up your company’s security ante against hackers who are spreading ransomware? Then Cybersecurity Insiders brings to you the list of free anti-ransomware tools which can help protect/isolate your business from all variants of ransomware including Wanna cry. Avast Free Antivirus […]
North Korea Cyber Attacking banks around the world to fund its nuclear program
Researchers from Kaspersky Lab claimed that North Korea is launching cyber attacks on Banks around the world in order to fund its Nuclear Program. The cyber security firm added that it has enough digital evidence to prove that N Korea was involved in last Year’s cyber heist of $81 million siphoned from the account of […]