mobile security
Apple iOS 12 has the best mobile security features ever
As Apple Inc, is busy in revealing the latest series of iPhone devices to the world we bring you news about the mobile security features which the sixth generation of Mac operating system named ‘Mojave’ is going to exhibit. Called as MacOS Mojave, named after a location in California where Apple Inc resides, the OS […]
WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger raise mobile security alerts
Appthority, a leader in offering enterprise mobile threat protection has released its Enterprise Mobile Security Pulse Report for the second quarter of 2018. And the report says that WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger app usage are found to be most risky in enterprise environments on both iOS and Android devices. The company also specified in its […]
DigiTar Inc offers ‘Safe Browser’ backed with utmost Mobile Security Technology
Idaho based company DigiTar has announced a safe browser which has been backed with utmost Mobile Security Technology. Titled as ‘WebProtectMe’ Safe browser, the web research tool is now available for Android users on Google Play Store. Users using a smartphone, irrespective of its make and model can download the safe browser and keep their […]
BlackBerry KEY 2 with enhanced Mobile Security and Privacy
BlackBerry Key 2 which is about to release next month is touted to be the world’s most secure Android Smartphone. On partnering with TCL communications, Blackberry is all set to launch ‘KEY 2’ a sequel to last years ‘Key 1’ which comes with enhanced security and privacy features right from the start. BlackBerry KEY 2 […]
Apple aims to restore Mobile Security Trust among its software users
Apple Inc, an American Technology giant renowned for its iPhone series produce has decided to restore ‘Mobile Security Trust’ among its software users in coming years. The aim is to deliver quality software and win back the confidence of its device users who in recent times were bogged down when the company captured headlines for […]
US President Trump shows a blind eye towards Mobile Security
US President Donald Trump is said to be rebuffing his staff efforts to strengthen security around his phone use, by failing to follow regular security protocols. According to a report published in Politico, the 45th President is said to be using two mobile phones that lack the necessary security features to conceal his communications. As […]
Google confirms that OEMs will provide regular mobile security updates to Android Device users
Google, the web search giant of California has confirmed that original equipment manufactures or shortly called as OEMs will be providing regular mobile security updates to all Android device users in coming years. “Since Security has always been a concern to those using Android Devices; Google has decided to put the onus on the OEMs […]
Mobile Security best practices while on business travel
Those who are concerned about mobile security risks on business travel, here’s an article which helps in mitigating those cyber risks with ease. In the past, the best practices depended on the country which is being visited or is on the itinerary. But now that assumption is proving wrong as Industrial espionage, state-sponsored attacks, and […]
Global Mobile Security Market to reach $24.17 Billion by 2023
As usage of mobile devices to carry out financial and e-commerce transactions has increased, it has also created a necessity to secure personal data on these devices. This has in fact promoted to the use of several biometrics technologies such as fingerprint recognition, voice recognition, iris recognition, signature recognition, keystroke recognition, and facial recognition. Therefore, […]
Half of the organizations suffer mobile attacks through WiFi
A recently released iPass Mobile Security Report of 2018 has discovered that 57 percent of 500 organizations from the US, UK, Germany, and France suspect that their mobile workers were hacked in the last 12 months. And 87 percent of respondents believe that the hack could have taken place through Wi-Fi. iPass Mobile Security Report […]