Office 365 and the Long Tail of SaaS Apps at Gartner Symposium
This post was originally published here by Sophia Zheng. Bitglass just attended the Gartner Symposium & ITxpo in Orlando, Florida, where we had a fantastic time. With more and more companies moving to the cloud, people were eager to learn about cloud access security brokers (CASBs)like Bitglass and how we can secure their use of any cloud […]
Cambridge Analytica for Corporate SaaS?
This post was originally published here by Nat Kausik. Cambridge Analytica was able to extract the personal information of zillions of Facebook users via Facebook’s well-provisioned API, in broad daylight. Is similar extraction possible for corporate SaaS apps? Yes, of course. For years, Facebook provided a sophisticated API for connected apps to extract information stored […]
CASBs and the Long Tail of SaaS
This post was originally published here by Rich Campagna In the past couple of years, enterprises have devoted massive time and resources to securing well known SaaS applications like Office 365, Salesforce and Box, often relying on tools like IDaaS and Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs). These deployment projects typically represent a very visible first step towards cloud adoption for a […]