Security Updates

Why software upgrades on Smart Phones matters in Cybersecurity POV

In today’s world, smartphones have evolved from luxury gadgets to essential tools that we rely on for a variety of tasks. From communication and navigation to shopping, banking, and even medical purposes, these devices have become integral to our daily lives. However, there’s an important aspect of smartphones that is often overlooked—software support. While the […]

Smart phones that get Android security updates at the earliest

Every month, a bunch of security flaws are found on Android phones, and Google mostly offers patches to such flaws at the earliest. So, to those who want to purchase or buy an Android loaded device based on the word that they get the security fixes at the earliest, here’s a list that gives a […]

Cyber Attack news for the day

1.) To all those who are still using Windows 7 operating system loaded PCs and Laptops, here’s a piece of bad news. Microsoft has announced that it is going to end support to its popular operating system from news January and so PCs which run on the said obsolete OS will become vulnerable to cyber […]

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