An overseas distributed denial of service attack aka Ddos targeted the website of Taiwan’s Presidential Office disrupting its normal operations for about 30-40 minutes. However, the IT staff of the government were quick enough to recover from the incident as they already had recovery measures in place, if/when such incidents occur.
The attack came just a few hours before the visit of Nancy Patricia Pelosi- the American Politician and Speaker of the House of Representatives, United States.
Cybersecurity Insiders learned that the official website was down for about 25 minutes as it was hit by web traffic that was 200 times way more than usual.
Nancy Pelosi, the congress representative, is on a visit to Taiwan as a part of her Asian, specifically Malaysian tour. However, her itinerary set in May this year sparked rumors she will spell doom to China with her visit to the island nation because of her sharp criticism against the support of Xi Jinping for Russia over its war with Ukraine.
According to a news resource from Taiwan Strait, Ms. Pelosi was about to interfere in some internal matters of China during her visit, which could have put more strain on the relationship of the United States with Beijing.
Kremlin, on the other hand, released a statement from Dmitry Peskov, the spokesperson for the Russian Government. In the statement, Mr. Peskov condemned Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and termed it “extremely provocative”.
Note- Peskov also threatened to shoot down the plane of Pelosi as it was violating the airspace rules put by the military.