This post was originally published here by Nat Kausik.
Cloud applications can be accessed from any device, anywhere. And most of these devices do not have up-to-date malware protection. How do you protect against threats in this situation?
Agentless Next-Gen CASB can deliver threat protection on any device, managed or unmanaged. When a user connects to a cloud app, say Office365 from a random device at home or at a kiosk, traffic to that device is automatically proxied in real time, without the need for agents or configuration. And the traffic is inspected to block threats in either direction. Windows. Macs. Even Chromebooks. And Androids? No problem for a Next-Gen CASB.
In contrast, first-Gen CASBs are limited in their threat protection abilities. They can inspect data-at-rest in the cloud via API for malware, by which time it is too late since the malware has already been synched to hundreds if not thousands of devices. Or they can install agents and inspect traffic on managed devices – not useful since such devices already have malware protection agents installed. Agent-based CASB are little use on BYOD Androids, iPhones, or Chromebooks for that matter where agents cannot be installed.
In short, only Bitglass Next-Gen CASB delivers on the holy grail of threat protection on any device, via our partnership with Cylance. To learn more about agentless CASB and how to achieve the holy grail of threat protection on any device, anywhere, sign up for a free trial of the Bitglass Next-Gen CASB today!