Trending Cybersecurity News Headlines

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Trend Micro, a Japan-based Cybersecurity firm has come up with a prediction that cyber attacks on cloud platforms will increase in 2019 as hackers will use sophistication to break into new cloud technologies such as –software as a service to spread malware.

Providing more details in its Cybersecurity Reports, the company said that in 2019 cyber crooks will try to exploit the vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of big companies such as weak cloud security measures and flaws in configuring the containers to extract digital currency through Crypto mining.

Greg Young, the VP of Cybersecurity Division, Trend Micro said that companies should try to avoid the risks by investing in resources such as educating the employees and inducing threat detection tools into their cybersecurity defense landscape.

In other news related to Cybersecurity, a recent study conducted by Russian security firm Kaspersky Labs has detected that electric vehicle chargers offered by major vendors are susceptible to cyber attacks that could damage the home grids.

Kaspersky whose services and product operations have been barred in the United States for security and espionage reasons said that manufacturers are currently busy focusing on fire-walling their vehicles from cyber attacks. But they fail to understand that charging stations, particularly those enabled with the remote operation are extremely susceptible to cyber attacks.

Experts from Germany based research company Fraunhofer experts have modeled a solution for such attacks already. But they say that OEMs offering electric vehicles are not paying heed to the call. So, unless a major controversy breaks out on this note, these companies will fail to act.

Coming to the third most buzzing news headline of last week, a report released by US Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) says that all US Ballistic Missile Systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks; as they do not follow data encryption practices, have no anti-virus programs & no multifactor security mechanisms to protect the digital assets from cyber threats. Moreover, the DOD also confirmed in its report that most of the defense infrastructure systems are running on obsolete operating systems such as Windows XP and haven’t been patched since years.

Officials from DOD started an audit from April this year, when it received a tip-off from the trump administration to check the security health of the nation’s missile systems- all a part of Ballistic Missile Defense Systems meant to protect US territories from missile attacks from adversaries.

The auditing authorities came to a recent conclusion that the army, navy, and MDA did not protect networks and systems that process, store, and transmit BMDS technical info.

What’s astonishing in the investigation is that fact that several server racks were left unsecured, triggering physical security issues. Also, most of the removable media data were not encrypted and no cyber threat detection systems were in place.

Hope, someone from the white house takes a ‘cue’ from this article and orders control over the situation. Otherwise, adversaries like Russia, China and Iran will always be on the prowl to exploit such vulnerabilities for their benefits.

Rakuma, a freely available marketing app from the Japan-based company Rakuten Inc has announced that its online service is reigning under cyber attack. So, it is urging its users to reset the passwords and IDs on its app while temporarily blocking online financial transactions on the flea market app.

A press statement released a couple of hours ago says that a third party intercepted its app’s database through Phishing attack and so all financial transactions have been blocked by the company.

For the time being, all those who have ordered products via Rakuma app are being requested to go for the cash-on-delivery option.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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