Trump Government on the recommendation of the National Nuclear Security Administration is looking for a startup owned by a woman entrepreneur to prevent cyberattacks targeting nuclear materials, whether in a facility or transit.
As nuclear and other radiological materials are susceptible to cyber attacks, The Energy Department wants a woman-owned small business to take off the security of the nuclear sites from physical and cyber threats.
The logic behind encouraging a woman-owned startup by Donald Trump and his government is yet to be known. But the National Nuclear Security Administration has put out a notice seeking women-owned small business, especially for this project.
All those women-led organizations interested in the project must have the aptitude to recommend program-wide cybersecurity guidance and training. They should also have the experience of conducting assessments for the Office of Radiological Security.
Also, the firm must be able to develop plausible cyber attack scenarios, including physical components as well as strategies for defending against the potential cyber attacks. The organization must have the capability to conduct equipment tests to identify and remediate flaws.
The organization’s leader must be able to work as a subject matter expert with Nuclear/cyber Interagency Working Group and the National Security Council Cyber Nuclear Sub-Policy Coordinating Committee. At the same time, the women-owned startup should review the latest international atomic energy and nuclear regulatory commission policies and guidance on cybersecurity.
Finally, the Nuclear Security Administration wants to award the contract to a small business which has all necessary certifications and experience and has an active Q Clearance license with the Energy Department.
Note 1- Any organization which has experienced in one or all specified areas is being welcomed by the energy department. If the federal government finds the talent pool in this arena less than their expectation, then they are ready to encourage women-owned business with minimal experience in the field with relevant certifications and funding.
Note 2- All interested companies are hereby requested to submit their proposal by 3 Pm of March 12, 2018.