Twitter Mobile Security flaw allows hackers to post Racist comments

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Everyone who uses Twitter via their smartphone is hereby informed that hackers might hack into your account to post racist comments on your home page and those of your followers.

Yes, this is what exactly happened in the case of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey last week where the vulnerability in service allowed the threat actors to take control of his account to post blasphemy content.

In the last weekend, Jack Dorsey’s Twitter account went into the hands of the hacking group named Chuckle Squad who posted Nazi Germany related anti-Semitic content to his 4.2 million followers. Simultaneously, the same comments were also used to abuse some Youtube Accounts of well-known celebrities which were indeed surprising as the whole activity took place at the same moment.

Twitter Communications (Twitter Comms) responded to the tweets by suspending the account of Jack for a couple of hours and resolving the issuing by changing the password of the CEO and removing the objectionable content.

Later the tweet handle responded that the phone no associated with the account was compromised due to a security flaw appearing from the side of the mobile carrier- thus allowing hackers post text messages through the phone.

Highly placed sources say that the hack of the twitter handle took place from the side of Cloudhopper which Twitter acquired in 2010. It is a cloud-based service which allows twitter users to text a tweet through their account by sending the text to 40404.

Note 1- Password input or regular sign-in isn’t required in this case.

Note 2- To avoid identity fraud troubles with issues such as Sim-Swapping, Mobile users are being encouraged to switch to 2-Factor authentication which Twitter calls as Login- Verification.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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