UK launches Cyber Attacks stimulation Program

Cybersecurity- Insiders

The United Kingdom has launched a cyber attacks stimulation program to unearth fresh talent who could thwart cyber attacks on companies related to connected cars. The program was hosted by Protection Group International (PGI) and saw more than 60 top amateur cyber practitioners from over 30 countries participating in the event.

The program which was similar to the 2016 Mirai DDoS Botnet Attack on Internet of Things saw individuals discovering potential vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit in the functioning of GPS systems of connected cars.

Prospective candidates were tested on their ability to ethically hack devices by experts who then tried to analyze the skills of network analysis, digital forensics and brute force attack capabilities of individuals. The event which was backed up by UK’s Cabinet Office was aimed to discover fresh talent related to cyber security.

As the projected global shortfall of cyber security workers is predicted to reach 1.8 million by 2022, the event was organized to plug new talent.
A team named ‘Turing’ which comprised of 10 members won the event and the members were invited to take part in a Cyber Security MasterClass which will hold in November this year.

GCHQ is interested in funding more such programs in near future and expects to fill in the skills gap required within the sector by 2019.

As the cyber landscape seems to be ever evolving, it demands a wide range of cyber security skills on a proportionate note. And UK’s Government is interested in offering the industry with excellent talent by organizing more such events. The winners of these programs will be given a skilled certification which will help them make a great Cyber Security Career.

NOTE- In January this year, UK government announced that it wants to encourage women power into the field of cyber security. As a part of this initiative, the government also allowed school going girl teenagers to display the skills related to cyber security.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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