UK to use AI based COVID Detection App on Mass Scale

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Britain’s government could soon replace the regular PCR tests with an AI based technology application having ability to flag 89% of positivity in the COVID-19 cases with great accuracy.

Imperial College of London was the first to develop the application based on the technology of Artificial Intelligence. It was developed to be used to detect Corona virus on a mass scale and be used at the big sporting events or other public gatherings.

Aim is to replace this test as a gold standard to PCR Tests that are currently otherwise expensive and time-consuming.

Scientists from the London based University have found that the application can detect the virus just by notifying the voice of a person, i.e. by detecting the infection in an upper respiratory tract and using machine learning technology to guestimate the virus proportion, if any.

Data from a crowdsourcing COVID-19 Sound Application was used to test the samples and researchers from the University of Cambridge also supported the test by collecting 842 voice samples from over 5000 participants, off which 304 tested positive for the virus, from PCR detection, that matched the AI applications detection results, perfectly.

The application has been integrated with Mel-Spectrogram analysis, a test that involves voice analysis to the core, by capturing voice features such as loudness, hoarseness, power and variation over the time.

A similar app is also in the testing phase at the University of Maastricht and achieves 100% precision in detecting novel Corona virus, if all goes well.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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