US Politician Katie Hill in news for launching DDoS Cyber Attack on an opponent

Cybersecurity- Insiders

FBI arrested a 32-year old man named Jan Dam hailing from California for launching DDoS Cyber Attacks on a Congressional candidate’s website in April- May 2018- eventually paving way for the win of Katie Hill. As the accusations are proved, apparently Dam will face a 10 years Federal imprisonment.

Therefore, this reminds us of the fact that Russia is not the only cyber threat for US Elections 2020 as they are also other forces that might be interested in acting a threat to democracy.

According to a statement released by the Department of Justice Dam launched distributed denial of service attacks on the website of Democrat Bryan Caforio which made him loose by 3000 votes to Katie Hill as the website faced a downtime of almost 21 hours.

As the attacks were subjected in two parts- one of the days before the debate and other on the election date, Caforio couldn’t go for the damage control despite spending $30,000 to neutralize the effects of the cyber attack.

What amazes in this whole cyber attack saga is that Dam’s wife Kelsey O Hara was working as a graphic designer and security consultant to Katie Hill. But the FBI did not find any evidence against 32- year-old Hill to prove that she funded the attacks.

Note- Last Oct, Katherine Lauren Hill was in news for having an illegal relationship with her female staff member Morgan Desjardins and finance director Graham Kelly. Now, her name is hitting the news headlines for launching cyber attacks on Congressional members which is yet to be proved.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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