Cybersecurity- Insiders

    This post was originally published here by  (ISC)² Management.

    In this ever-changing field, you’re constantly required to learn about new tools, vulnerabilities and threats. We know that time and financial resources may get in the way of participating in CPE offerings that help you sharpen your skills and hone your craft. We are committed to enabling our members to become the most well-rounded and effective cybersecurity practitioners around so we’ve compiled a list of CISSP CPE opportunities that will work for your busy schedule.

    Online CPE Opportunities:

    In-Person CPE Opportunities:

    In 2018 we want to enable our members to excel and achieve their personal and professional goals by providing enriching and relevant CISSP CPE opportunities. We encourage you to visit our website often for updates, share your thoughts in our community on your professional development needs and take advantage of the free opportunities that will help you continue growth and through your work positively impact a safe and secure cyber world.

    Photo:Various Things Live

    Join our LinkedIn group Information Security Community!

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