WhatsApp gives new data privacy deadline of May 15

Cybersecurity- Insiders

All you WhatsApp users across the world, here’s a news piece that needs your attention on an urgent note.

The Facebook subsidiary has issued a fresh set of policy updates in which it clearly specified that the users will have to accept its new data sharing rules that will become mandatory from May 15th,2021.

Earlier, WhatsApp was interested in sharing its users’ information with the Mark Zuckerberg company from February this year. And it justified its act by stating that the data share would prove beneficial to WhatsApp users in many ways in the future.

And as soon as this privacy update was circulated in the media, the company was targeted by many trolls on Twitter who were dead against about the information to share with Facebook.

Even some governments from United States, India, and Australia were forced to act against the data share on request of their populace on respective note.

So, after seeing the developments, WhatsApp has pushed in a new update to its users that makes it mandatory for them to accept the terms if they want to still use the chat & media share services.

From the past few days, some WhatsApp users have already started getting a banner update in the app that allows users to review the privacy update information.

The messaging giant has also stated that it became a victim of ‘misinformation’ about its privacy updates last month and would like to clear the air to its users with the facts. For this reason, the company has devised a banner that allows users to click on the information it would share with its parent company Facebook after a certain period.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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